Monday, April 9, 2012

The Terrible Blues, Twos!

Hey there! It's Mommy Monday! How was your Easter weekend? Still stuffed from all the candy and food?? Drake, being the only grandchild, was one spoiled kid this weekend! It was great watching him hunt for Easter eggs and stuff his little face with nothing but sweets! Mommy and daddy were quite tired from chasing him around all weekend!

In fact, this mommy has been tired all month! Seems like Drake has reached the beginning of his terrible twos, and for me that means the terrible blues! The truth is, never get comfortable with your child's schedule or behavior as they are changing everyday!

Everyone talks about the terrible twos, but I don't ever hear talk about the terrible blues that mommies and daddies experience through this phase. Just when we thought Drake was close to perfection, he surprises us with something else...and that something that requires more energy... More energy I wish I had  that I don't have. I love my son to death, don't get me wrong, but every now and then I want to stop what I'm doing and walk away. I'm sure you will all agree with me when I say it's tough being a mom! Right?! Thankfully, God graciously and lovingly continues to give me the patience and energy I didn't know existed within me. When I became pregnant with Drake, it was completely unexpected! In fact, at that moment, my life took a 360! I believe God blessed me with my son for a reason; to teach me patience, and an unfailing unexplainable love. Drake was everything that God knew I needed.

Even in these beginning stages of the terrible twos blues I've learned to lean on God through prayer for his support and love. When Drake starts acting up in public or even at home I could just cry. It's frustrating when your child doesn't know how to express their feelings. But nevertheless, I know this is just a phase that will soon pass, and when I start to feel upset or helpless, I pray. It's crazy to know that I'm not the only person going through this...and it's nice to be open and honest with myself. It's ok to feel upset at times, but in the words of Darius Rucker "It Won't Be Like This For Long".

How do you cope with the terrible twos and blues?

1 comment:

  1. Biggest thing that I have learned through all the tantrums and change is that God teaches us sacrifice...u never sacrifice more of yourself than when u become a mama....and I believe thats when the blues set in!! Surround yourself with other mommies that dont judge and tell the truth and offer great advice....and make sure u get a date night evry other week to stay sane and refresh!!
