Tuesday, April 10, 2012

A Lamp Gone Wrong...

Well hello there! Here we are in the second week of April. Can you believe it? Geez this year is gonna fly by, I just know it. I promised myself that 2012 would be the year of organization and order in my home. Ever heard the expression "two steps forward one step back"? Yep, that's me. But I'm working on it. In fact I finally sat myself down this weekend and made a list of all the unfinished projects I have lying around the house. There are too many to count. I made a deal with myself that I would not begin another project until the unfinished ones are completed. So starting today I am going to work on my list...checking off one item at a time!

Included on the list is a pair of lamps I attempted to paint. Understand that not all the projects I begin end in success. Sometimes I get impatient and try to do a half fast job....which NEVER works in my favor. For example, waiting 10 minutes for the primer to dry instead on the recommended 2-3 hours...or, well, you know the story.

I bet you know where this is going. I had been hanging on to a pair of lamps for some time. There was nothing wrong with them, they just weren't the look I was going for anymore. I am trying to move away from the dark heavy look that was oh-so-popular just a few years back. 

I found a half full can of spray paint and thought a quick coat will give these lamps new life. Unfortunately, I didn't have any spray paint for the shade. No problem. Nothing a quick coat of brush on paint won't fix. 

Here is the shade before....simple, not horrible, but bland.

And here she is after. Why I didn't drive my tush to the store for a $4 dollar can of spray paint still baffles me?

The shade must have taken (what seemed like) 200 coats. The end result was a crusty hard finish that looked spotty when lit. It was awful!! Certainly nothing I would ever display in my home. I wasted time, paint, and money.

And the lamp? Haha. Who needs to prime? Not me! A half can will be enough! Not!! (Notice Chum Lee from Pawn Stars in the background? My hubs favorite show!)

As you can see this very sad lamp will be getting a proper makeover manana, which means I will have to fork out the extra dough and buy a new shade since I butchered the last one. Hopefully my second attempt will be much better. We shall see...Genelle

1 comment:

  1. haha love your honesty, not all projects work the first time, good to know:)
