I have to admit it has been so nice to be busy. Some of you may think I am crazy but being a "stay-at-home" wife gets a little old...I mean there are only so many things I can do in the day. I know when we start our family I will be wishing for these idle moments but, until then, life goes on. Living away from my family and friends has forced me to think of new and creative ways to stay busy and have fun. Through this process I have rediscovered a long lost love. Books. I absolutely love books. Why did we ever part ways?
I love the feel and smell of a book. I love getting lost in the story and imagining myself right there. I am sure many of you will agree when I say there is nothing like curling up with a good book. A friend of mine had recommended a good book but the local bookstore wanted to charge $19.95. That's like 5 cans of spray paint!! No thanks!! Wouldn't it be great if there were a place where people could go and read books...for free? What better place to do so than the library? Yes, I said library. Its that building you probably went to as a kid. They even gave you a card and all. Ring a bell? We are fortunate to have a gorgeous library downtown, yet I had never gone in. Well that was all about to change. From the moment I stepped inside I was in love! There were wall to wall books. It was beautiful and I forgot how soothing and calming the library can be. Truly a Simple pleasure in life.
This is my library. Isn't she gorgeous. I can honestly say the last time I was in a library had to be about 15 years ago. With all the technology and online sources there is less reason for the use of a real book let alone the library. I remember as a kid going to the library for school projects and research. We didn't have Google or Wikipedia...we had the library. We had to literally research book after book to get the info we needed. We had to use something called an encyclopedia. You get where I am going right? I find it ironic how we long for the simple things in life when all we need to do is stop and look around. Simplicity is found in the little things we take for granted. Walking into the library to check out my simple pleasure didn't cost a penny and the satisfaction is priceless. You can even rent DVD's. Um, hello that's free movie rentals people! The library really does have so much to offer. I challenge you to turn off your e-readers, laptops, and TV's. Take yourself to the library and let yourself and your imagination get lost in another world. Lets get back to the basics...Genelle
So so true!! Love this
ReplyDeleteGood Idea! I love the library and reading a book is good for the soul!