Thursday, September 13, 2012

Pinterest Baby Burp Cloths

I finally tackled another Pinterest project. For my cousins baby shower I wanted to give something heartfelt and homemade. I had seen these adorable baby burp cloths on Pinterest courtesy of Petite Lemon Blog. I loved how useful these were not to mention cute!! I plugged in my sewing machine and got to work. For the most part I followed the instructions, however, I made a few modifications that I think made this project a bit easier.
Here is the picture form Petite Lemon Blog. Aren't they super cute!!! Since my camera is still in California I have had to use my cell phone camera which takes horrible pictures. I could really use a good camera (hint hint to my husband). Warning pictures are not the best quality...

To get started you will need the following:

1 package of cloth diapers (I got a 12 pack at Walmart for 13 bucks)
Fabric of your choice (1/4 yard will make cover two diapers)
Sewing machine (duh)
Iron Heat bond (this is optional but it will help speed the process and ensure a more secure diaper)

Lay out a diaper and cut your fabric to fit down the center of the diaper leaving a inch of seam allowance.
Iron and press the seams in place.
Be sure to press firmly at the ends (couldn't find the picture so had to use another diaper example)
Take your heat bond and measure to fit the back of the fabric
Remove the heat bond backing and iron onto the diaper
And finally sew all four edges!
Voila!! That was easy right?

These took all of one hour to make eight diapers...not bad!!


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Pottery Barn Knock-off...

This past weekend the hubs and I ventured to Palm Springs to celebrate his birthday. Thanks to the 104 degree weather we were able to soak up tons of sun. I have to admit we had had enough come the second day. Too much heat is just too much heat!

In my quest to finish decorating my home I have recently noticed a heavy influence of decorative pieces made from Chinese Fir Tree. The tree is a gorgeous maple color and is smooth to the touch. Here are a few beauties I found...


Aren't they gorg!! I decided that I had to have one. I can just see them filled with pumpkins and gourds for fall or pine cones for Christmas. I came across a few which I had saw while picking up some lamp shades in Pottery barn. They immediately caught my eye but unfortunately so did the price tag...which started at $199.00. Um no thanks!!

As luck would have it the hubs and I came across a home decor store which I have frequented in the past, The Alley. I love the Alley!! They have a great selection of pottery, decorative items, and a wonderfully large kitchen department. Of course I had to pop in. Sitting there on a display table lay an assortment of Chinese Fir bowls with a fabulous sign that read Sale $14.99...Score!! In less than 2 seconds I snagged a bowl and handed my card to the cashier. But the best part was that they were marked down to $11.99. Could my day get any better?? I haven't decided where my beauty will live. Perhaps on my dining table or the living room ottoman. Don't to follow.


Monday, September 3, 2012

Update on Happily Ever Chic...

First things first...Happy Labor day! Whether you work in or outside the home, today is a day to celebrate all the hard working men and women. Hat's off to you!!
So YES it has been a few months. So much has gone on with Adriana and I, which warranted some much needed time off. With real life happening it is hard to take the time to blog, let alone start and finish projects in the midst of it all. After a well deserved break it is time to start off this month with a fresh beginning. Though my posts may not be daily, I can promise you I will blog as much as I can.

Unfortunately since my last post, here, so much has changed. To our misfortune one of those changes included the loss of our second baby. My husband and I went through a very difficult time and needed to focus on each other and begin the healing process. But, with our faith in God and his timing, Buzz and I are moving forward and we are excited to see what lies ahead. I needed to take a moment and step away from the blog for a while but I am happy to be back.

I remind myself of this says it all!
Adriana has been so very busy chasing around a two year old. With her hands full she won't be posting as much but I am sure we will see here pop in once in a while. She has a few projects she has been working on and I know she will want to share a few with you...if Batman ever gives her a break!

With summer out the door and the holidays around the corner, I am itching to take out my fall decor. I usually decorate the day after (or night of) Labor Day. It's sort of my "green light" for holiday decorating. I am a closet hoarder when it comes to holiday decorations...I can't help it. I LOVE fall!! I am sure my husband won't be thrilled when I tell him we may be taking a trip to our storage to collect my decorations. But, like always, he is a satisfied customer with the end result (though he will never admit it). Here are a few ideas I am tossing around after surfing Pinterest...

So have any of you started decorating or am I the only crazy one here??