Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My Pottery Barn Knock-off...

This past weekend the hubs and I ventured to Palm Springs to celebrate his birthday. Thanks to the 104 degree weather we were able to soak up tons of sun. I have to admit we had had enough come the second day. Too much heat is just too much heat!

In my quest to finish decorating my home I have recently noticed a heavy influence of decorative pieces made from Chinese Fir Tree. The tree is a gorgeous maple color and is smooth to the touch. Here are a few beauties I found...


Aren't they gorg!! I decided that I had to have one. I can just see them filled with pumpkins and gourds for fall or pine cones for Christmas. I came across a few which I had saw while picking up some lamp shades in Pottery barn. They immediately caught my eye but unfortunately so did the price tag...which started at $199.00. Um no thanks!!

As luck would have it the hubs and I came across a home decor store which I have frequented in the past, The Alley. I love the Alley!! They have a great selection of pottery, decorative items, and a wonderfully large kitchen department. Of course I had to pop in. Sitting there on a display table lay an assortment of Chinese Fir bowls with a fabulous sign that read Sale $14.99...Score!! In less than 2 seconds I snagged a bowl and handed my card to the cashier. But the best part was that they were marked down to $11.99. Could my day get any better?? I haven't decided where my beauty will live. Perhaps on my dining table or the living room ottoman. Don't worry...pics to follow.


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