Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Great Balls of Jute

Hey there. One day closer to the weekend. Did you catch DWTS (Dancing with the Stars) last night? I wasn't really into the show before but I love Melissa Gilbert. I know she isn't the best dancer but I can't help but love her. To me it's like watching an older Laura Ingels dance in the millennium. I <3 Little House on the Prairie!

A few weeks ago, after watching the rain pour and pour and pour, I became bored...very bored. That's the Pacific Northwest for ya!! It was time for a project. Nothing too crazy, messy, or involving paint, since it would have to be done inside. I perused the internet until I came across a fab find, Jute Balls. I decided to give them a whirl and headed down to the DollarTree for supplies. This project literally cost me under 7 bucks!

What you'll need:
Jute or twine $1.00
Fabric glue (Do not use craft glue. Trust me) $3.97 (Walmart)
Balloons (Round works best) $1.00
Foil or plastic wrap Free!!
Total $ 7 bucks including tax

To begin:
Blow up your balloons to various sizes. Cut long pieces of jute. I like to wrap the jute around the balloon before I cut just to make sure I have a long enough piece. In a bowl pour the glue over the cut jute. Be careful when you mix the two together. I ended up getting the jute all tangled which made it harder to wrap the balloons.

Remove the soaked jute and string your fingers to remove any excess glue. Now your ready to wrap the balloon. Wrap in every which way alternating patterns until the balloon is covered to your liking.

Place the balloons on the foil and let them dry. After a few hours turn the balloons so they dry evenly. I let mine dry overnight.

After the jute is completely dry and hard to the touch take a needle and pop the balloon and remove through one of the holes.

And there you go. How easy is that. I plopped these babies into my gorgeous white pedestal bowl on my table. Whatcha think?? ...Genelle

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