Sunday, April 1, 2012

Finding a New Home?

Happy Sunday AND Happy April Fools Day! I am still deciding if I am going to pull a prank on my husband. (Hopefully he isn't reading this if I do)

This morning I am continuing my quest to find a new church (hubby works Sunday mornings). I had been attending my church in California for quite sometime so it was sad to have to say goodbye when we moved to the Pacific Northwest. I have been "shopping" for a church since we moved here...7 months ago. This one too small and that one too big. This morning I will be venturing off to north Vancouver to try a church that appears to be similar to my home church in CA...We shall see.

I found it ironic as I was writing this mornings blog that my morning devotional talked about remembering God in ALL that I do. To not remember and rejoice in only the good but also the bad. It got me thinking about my church shopping and if I had been looking for perfection. Was I trying to find a cookie cutter church with the a worship band that had perfect voices and a pastor that was both deep and humorous...oh and you can't forget the coffee bar. Maybe I was looking to these churches to "entertain" me instead of opening my heart and listening to what God had to say. I mean, after all, isn't the whole point of church to learn and grow closer to God? It's for his glory, not ours.

What do you look for in a church? How do you know when you are home?


In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:6

1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to give us an update on how it went! Praying you find a church that is just the right fit.
