Good Morning!!! Hooray for Saturday! I am extra excited because my husband is home...on a Saturday. This never happens. He works EVERY Saturday. Already our weekend is off to a good start. Besides relaxing, I plan to recover my dining room chairs in this amazing fabric I found for...$10 bucks!!! I will share with you all on Tuesday so stayed tuned. If all goes as planned they will look fabulous!
Today wanted to share with one of my favorite simple pleasures...Coffee! I don't know what it is but there is absolutely nothing like a good cup of coffee. I am a die-hard coffee drinker. I can drink coffee all day long. Its my daily comfort. Especially living in the Northwest, coffee and I have become that much closer. Coffee just seems to be there at the right time and it is everywhere. It seems like people cannot function without it...I know I can't. Even our grocery stores have a coffee shop right at the entrance so you can drink while you shop. So what is it about coffee that makes it the all american drink?
What draws us to this simple pleasure?
I found an article with some pretty cool facts...Why People Like Coffee So much:
1) More than 1/3 of the population depends on coffee throughout the day, especially in the morning to perform their jobs.
2) About 45% of people say that their productivity goes down without a cup of coffee while they work. Most common symptoms of withdrawal are fatigue, sluggishness and irritability.
3) Physicians, nurses, engineers, teachers, government workers and machine operators are among such professionals who say they need a large amount of coffee.
4) People can get their shot of caffeine through a cup of tea, energy drinks, pills and sweets.
5) In the US, the average daily consumption is 3.1 cups.
6) The US has a coffee market of $18 billion. The specialty coffee segment is increasing by 20% each year, and represents about 8% of all sales made.
7) Men and women both drink same quantity in a day, but women look at the price per cup more than men.
8) Black coffee accounts for 35% of all coffee consumption; the remaining 65% is with sugar and/or cream.
I would say I match all 8! In simpler terms coffee is a tool, a peace offering, that we share with one another. We talk, cry, and laugh with one another all over a cup of coffee. We grew up with it and it has become a staple in our lives sort of like an old friend. As I sit here this morning, with my coffee, I laugh at how truly satisfying it is. I have shared some of my greatest memories over a cup of coffee.
It is my simple pleasure...Genelle
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