Monday, March 26, 2012

Mr. Squirmy

Mommy Monday’s is here! Oh yes! For all you moms and soon-to-be mom's this one is for you!
I am proud to say that in 2009 God blessed me with a beautiful son, Drake! Let me tell you...he was extremely unexpected! Yes, I would have to say a blessing in disguise! I guess it was my time to settle my ways and take on much more responsibility! Now 2 years later, he keeps me on my toes! Napping and relaxing is no option for me anymore, oh no! Those days of independence have quickly escorted their ways out of my life! But, I can honestly say I wouldn't change a thing! Drake is a walking, talking, breathing, talking, talking and did I say talking machine?! He pretty much tells me how it is...I thought I was the parent??!

I have to admit...lately it has been SO hard watching him grow so quickly! Not only is he getting big, but he now has a voice, and not such a nice one either! You think as a parent your kid would automatically listen to anything you say! Ha!! Ha!! This past weekend, Cory and I (my fiance), thought it would be fun to take Drake to see his first movie "The Lorax"...(laughing right now). Drake managed to take a quick hour nap before we left for our grand adventure! We got to the mall an hour before our movie. We wanted to take advantage of the hour and do some much needed shopping, all in this time Drake was doing so great! 

2:30 rolls around, and the movie was about to start, so we jetted our way back to the theater. Little did I know , the previews are now like an hour long?! What the heck?! We walk into the movie and Voila, his grandparents made a surprise visit! In hand, they had chocolates, popcorn, juice and candy! Every toddlers dream! Front row seats too! Drake sat his little butt down, In one hand popcorn and the other holding his grape juice box! 

This kid was thrilled to be at his first movie! Of course throughout this time he was a bit talkative, pointing out everything on the screen, and screaming it out "That's a monkey mommy", "Oh, that's too scary", "That's funny daddy!" Yes, it was cute and funny at first, but then the movie started and he felt the need to get out of his seat and have a conversation with the audience, "Hi errybudy, I went to the potty!" (Not cool to them) Drake was mister squirmy wormy and needed to "go potty" like every 10 minutes! Ahhhh! You could imagine the frustration on me and Cory's face...he just wasn't ready for a movie...why did we think he was? Well, because he sits through all of our movies at home and we wanted to test it out in public. Pretty much the whole time grandma and I are trying to teach him to whisper and sit in his seat, he just wasn't having it! So, thirty minutes later we picked up Mr. Talkative and escorted ourselves out of the movie! Ha! Maybe next year little man!